Welcome to Lynemore Wind Farm

The purpose of this website is to provide easy access to the latest information on Lynemore Wind Farm, as well as how you can get involved and share your views. 

Galileo is proposing a development of up to 10 wind turbines and energy storage, located on land at Lynemore, situated approximately 2km Southwest of the A9 at Moy.

At Galileo, we are committed to working with the local community and other key stakeholders to responsibly develop renewable energy projects that help to deliver Scottish climate change targets and ensure a green and sustainable future for generations to come.

The Lynemore Wind Farm development will make a significant contribution to the decarbonisation of our electricity system, supporting a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, as well as delivering major community benefits. These include the potential for reductions in electricity bills.

Tackling the Climate Emergency

“Right now, we are facing a man-made disaster of global scale. Our greatest threat in thousands of years, climate change.” 1

Sir David Attenborough

The proposal for Lynemore Wind Farm is set against the backdrop of the climate emergency and the need to transition to renewable energy sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from polluting fossil fuels.

It is no understatement to say that man-made climate change is the defining crisis of our time, and it is happening even more quickly than we feared, with major global impacts.

Lynemore Wind Farm will play its part in tackling the overall challenge and supporting the delivery of the Scottish Government’s ambitious legally-binding target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. It could power the equivalent of around 62,468 homes annually with clean, low-cost renewable electricity.(1)

Replacing polluting fossil fuels, the dominant cause of global warming, the wind farm could save around 85,790 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually (2), supporting our transition to a low-carbon future. This is the equivalent of taking around 50,993 cars off the road.(3)

Recent events, such as the war in Ukraine, have also focused people’s minds on the risks of over reliance on imported fossil fuels, with the rising cost of gas driving the huge increase in energy bills, a key cause of the cost-of-living crisis.

Onshore wind is one of the cheapest sources of new-build electricity generation in the UK, and therefore has a key role to play in addressing this crisis.

The growth of secure homegrown renewable energy can also help to insulate Scotland and the rest of the UK from future price shocks, and play a key role in decarbonising heat, power and transport.

Turbine Layout…

Reproduced from Ordnance Survey digital map data @ Crown Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. Licence number 0100031673

Project Proposal

The proposed development site is located in the northern fringes of the Monadhliath Mountains. Once a grouse moor, it now consists mainly of open Heather moorland and benefits from an excellent wind resource. Furthermore, it has no landscape, ecological or cultural designations that restrict its scope for accommodating a wind farm.

Comprising up to 10 wind turbines, with a blade tip height of up to 200m, Lynemore Wind Farm will have a generating capacity of 72MW, subject to turbine technology. Technology has advanced considerably in recent years, meaning that turbines are now taller and more efficient, which enables them to generate a significantly greater amount of renewable electricity using fewer turbines

Galileo are also exploring the idea of a co-located Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). BESS are developments that store electricity at times of high generation and low demand via rechargeable batteries and release this energy back into the grid network in times of high need. This will allow low-cost low-carbon electricity to be available, such as when the wind is still, and has an essential role to play in replacing fossil fuels.

Helping to cut our greenhouse gas emissions, the proposed wind farm will play its part in tackling the climate emergency and support Scotland’s transition to a low-carbon future.

Additionally, Lynemore Wind Farm will provide long-term economic and social benefits. These include providing a community wealth fund to support local initiatives, in addition to providing construction and operational employment opportunities.

As the proposal exceeds 50MW, an application for planning consent will be submitted to the Scottish Ministers for determination under Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989. The Highland Council will be a key statutory consultee as the host planning authority.

The application will be administered by the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit (ECU), with Scoping request to be submitted in the Spring prior to the full Section 36 application towards the end of 2024.

Community Engagement

At Galileo, we strongly believe in the need for ongoing dialogue regarding our projects. We promise to consult and listen carefully to views on the proposals for Lynemore Wind Farm, making changes where possible.

As part of this process, we believe in meaningful and effective pre-application consultation (PAC), aiming to engage early on with the local community and other key stakeholders, such as community councils and councillors, in advance of the submission of a Section 36 application to the Scottish Ministers.

This helps to identify issues and concerns, as well as benefits and opportunities, that we can then consider when developing and refining the wind farm proposal.

In advance of the submission of a scoping request to the Scottish Ministers via the ECU in March 2024, we met with key stakeholders, including local community councils, as well as number of the properties closest to the turbines. 

A scoping request seeks to obtain from the Scottish Ministers the scope and level of detail of information that needs to be provided in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report that will accompany the Section 36 application. An EIA is an assessment of the likely significant environmental effects arising from the proposed development.

Public Consultation Events 

As part of our PAC process, we will be holding two public consultation events in the local area in March 2024. This will enable the community discuss it with our project team and provide feedback, helping us to inform and improve our proposals.

A range of information will be available, including presenting early-stage design, as well as wirelines and photomontages, helping to give an impression of what the site could look like from different viewpoints in the area. 

Consultation Event Dates:

  • The Strathdearn Hub | 26th March 2024 | 2:30pm – 7.30pm

  • Farr Community Hall | 27th March 2024 | 10am -2pm


A newsletter was circulated to the local community and key stakeholders, providing details of the project and these public consultation events, followed by a further newsletter circulated post-events in April 2024

The project team will consider any written consultation feedback submitted to Galileo over the coming months as the proposals are developed and refined. This is in addition to input from key consultees and the findings from the technical and environmental studies that we are undertaking.

We also anticipate hosting a second series of public consultation events towards the end of 2024 to update the local community on the proposals.

These events will aim to provide feedback to the comments received from the March 2023 events and through other stakeholder engagement, explaining what appropriate changes have been made to the proposals in response to these.

It is anticipated that a Section 36 application for consent will be submitted to the Scottish Ministers in Spring 2024 for determination, administered by the ECU. At this point there will be an opportunity to make direct representations to the Scottish Ministers.   

A PAC report will accompany any application. This will outline what public consultation has taken place and how any feedback has been taken on board, addressing any comments which could not be accommodated.

Indicative Timeline

  1. 2022-2024

  2. Submitted June 2023
    April 2024 – Click Here

  3. March 2024 and Late 2024

  4. November 2024

  5. 2026

  6. 2028

  7. 2030

Neil Thomson

Project Manager

About Galileo

Galileo is a fast-growing pan-European, multi-technology, renewable energy developer, owner and operator, with a mission to significantly contribute to achieving global emission reduction targets.

We aim to do this by developing enough smart efficient, high-quality and integrated green energy projects, so that renewable energy becomes the primary source of electricity for all energy consumers in Europe.

Founded in 2020, Galileo currently has a project development portfolio of over 7000 MW across multiple European countries, including the UK, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Germany, France and Poland.
Our senior management team is made up of leading energy and investment experts that bring decades of international experience across more than 30 markets.

Galileo’s funders are long-term infrastructure and pension funds with a global footprint, international mindset and a collaborative mentality.

Further Information

To discuss the Lynemore Wind Farm proposal in more detail, please contact:

Neil Thomson
Project Manager Galileo
7-9 N St David St Edinburgh EH2 1AW

Email: lynemore@galileoenergy.uk
Web: galileogreenenergy.uk


  1. RenewableUK, Statistics Explained. Using average domestic household consumption in UK of 3,239kWh. Accessible at: https://www.renewableuk.com/page/UKWEDExplained
  2. RenewableUK, Statistics Explained. Using DESNZ ‘all non-renewable fuels’ statistic of 424 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide per GWh of electricity. Accessible at: https://www.renewableuk.com/page/UKWEDExplained
  3. Nimble Fins, Average CO2 Emmisions per Car in the UK. Calculation based on Avergae CO2 emmissions per car per year of 1.68 tonnes. Accessible at: https://www.nimblefins.co.uk/average-co2-emissions-car-uk#nogo